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  • Philippe Gerum's avatar
    build: introduce symbols-only debug level · 2b632670
    Philippe Gerum authored
    "symbols" enables debug symbols to be compiled in the libraries and
    executables, still turning on the optimizer (-O2). This option has no
    overhead, it is useful to get meaningful backtraces using gdb while
    running the application at nominal speed.
    "partial" includes "symbols", and also turns on internal consistency
    checks within the Xenomai code (mostly present in the Copperplate
    layer). The __XENO_DEBUG__ macro is defined, for both the Xenomai core
    and the applications getting their C compilation flags from the
    xeno-config script (i.e. xeno-config --cflags). The partial debug mode
    implicitly turns on --enable-assert. A measurable overhead is
    introduced by this level.  This is the default level when
    --enable-debug is mentioned with no level specification.
    "full" includes "partial" settings, but the optimizer is disabled
    (-O0), and even more consistency checks may be performed.  In addition
    to __XENO_DEBUG__, the macro __XENO_DEBUG_FULL__ is defined. This
    level introduces the most overhead, which may triple the worst-case
    latency, or even more.
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