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- arch and board update for stm32mp15:
  - use OPP information in device tree for 800MHz/650MHz support
  - ram: inprovments of test command
  - solve boot on closed chip when access to DBGMCU_IDC is protected
  - stm32prog command: Add "device anme" during USB enumeration
  - update configs: activate WATCHDOG and 'env erase' command,
    increase teed partition, support SD card after NOR boot by default and
    use env info in env_check
  - some sboard cleanups: gpio hog in dh board, specific driver for
    type-c stusb1600 controller code in a driver move part of code in spl.c
    and in common directory
- fix STM32 compatible for dwc_eth_qos driver
- support of new pinctrl ops get_dir_flags/set_dir_flags in stm32 and stmfx
- vrefbuf: fix a possible overshoot when re-enabling