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  • Philippe Gerum's avatar
    cobalt/process: fix CPU migration handling for blocked threads · 59344943
    Philippe Gerum authored
    To maintain consistency between both Cobalt and host schedulers,
    reflecting a thread migration to another CPU into the Cobalt scheduler
    state must happen from secondary mode only, on behalf of the migrated
    thread itself once it runs on the target CPU (*).
    For this reason, handle_setaffinity_event() may NOT fix up
    thread->sched immediately using the passive migration call for a
    blocked thread.
    Failing to ensure this may lead to the following scenario, with taskA
    as the migrated thread, and taskB any other Cobalt thread:
    CPU0(cobalt): suspend(taskA, XNRELAX)
    CPU0(cobalt): suspend(taskB, ...)
    CPU0(cobalt): enter_root(), next_task := <whatever>
    CPU0(root): handle_setaffinity_event(taskA, CPU3)
          taskA->sched = xnsched_struct(CPU3)
    CPU0(root): <relax epilogue code for taskA>
    CPU0(root): resume(taskA, XNRELAX)
          enqueue(rq=CPU3), reschedule IPI to CPU3
    CPU0(root): resume(taskB, ...)
    CPU0(root): leave_root(), host_task := taskA
    CPU0(cobalt): suspend(taskA)
    CPU0(cobalt): enter_root(), next_task := host_task := taskA
    CPU0(root??): <<<taskA execution>>> BROKEN
    CPU3(cobalt): <taskA execution> via reschedule IPI
    To sum up, we would end up with the migrated task running on both CPUs
    in parallel, which would be, well, a problem.
    To resync the Cobalt scheduler information, send a SIGSHADOW signal to
    the migrated thread, asking it to switch back to primary mode from the
    handler, at which point the interrupted syscall may be restarted. This
    guarantees that check_affinity() is called, and fixups are done from
    the proper context.
    There is a cost: setting the affinity of a blocked thread may now
    induce a delay for that target thread as well, since it has to make a
    roundtrip between primary and secondary modes for handling the change
    event. However, 1) there is no other safe way to handle such event, 2)
    changing the CPU affinity of a remote real-time thread at random times
    makes absolutely no sense latency-wise, anyway.
    (*) This means that the Cobalt scheduler state regarding the
    CPU information lags behind the host scheduler state until
    the migrated thread switches back to primary mode
    (i.e. task_cpu(p) != xnsched_cpu(xnthread_from_task(p)->sched)).
    This is ok since Cobalt does not schedule such thread until then.