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  • Haibo Chen's avatar
    mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON when necessary · 925f6900
    Haibo Chen authored and Jaehoon Chung's avatar Jaehoon Chung committed
    After commit f132aab4 ("Revert "mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use
    VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON to control card clock output""), it
    involve issue in mmc_switch_voltage(), because of the special
    design of usdhc.
    these are reserved bits(Though RM contain the definition of these bits,
    but actually internal IC logic do not implement, already confirm with
    IC team). Instead, use VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON to gate on/off the card
    clock output. Here is the definition of this bit in RM:
    [8] FRC_SDCLK_ON
    Force CLK output active
    Do not set this bit to 1 unless it is necessary. Also, make sure that
    this bit is cleared when uSDHC’s clock is about to be changed (frequency
    change, clock source change, or delay chain tuning).
    0b - CLK active or inactive is fully controlled by the hardware.
    1b - Force CLK active
    In default, the FRC_SDCLK_ON is 0. This means, when there is no command
    or data transfer o...