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  • Philippe Schenker's avatar
    board: apalis_imx6: Add KSZ9131 phy skew settings · f72e48ba
    Philippe Schenker authored and Stefano Babic's avatar Stefano Babic committed
    This patch adds skew register settings for KSZ9131. It checks first
    which phy is on the board and then applies the correct skew settings.
    Skew settings calculation for the KSZ9131:
    The i.MX6 SoC has an output skew tolerance of -100ps to 900ps. All
    PCB traces where routed exactly the same length so we can calculate
    the skew settings without taking the length into consideration. The
    traces are all length matched.
    RXC skew (PHY to MAC):
    - We use the 2ns DLL controlled delay on the PHY
    - We do not use the skew registers
    This results in the following values:
    PHY fixed Delay	2000ps
    PHY Added Delay	0ps
    T_setup_R min	2.00ns
    T_setup_R typ	2.00ns
    T_setup_R max	2.00ns
    T_hold_R min	1.60ns
    T_hold_R typ	2.00ns
    T_hold_R max	2.40ns
    That means we are well within RGMII specs.
    TXC skew (MAC to PHY):
    - We use the 2ns DLL controlled delay on the PHY
    - We then subtract ~0.6ns with TXD[0:3] and TXC clock pad skew
      register in a resulting ~1.4ns delay.
    This results ...